Grade by Grade Guide
Learn about complete offerings when you call to book.
Pre-K & Kindergarten
- Exhibits
- Earth & Friends
- Move It! Move It!
- Taste the Rainbow
- What’s That Sound?
- Zoo Plus Two
- The Sky Above Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
- One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure
- Animalopolis
Grades 1–2
- Exhibits
- Freeze
- NEW! Expedition: Solar System
- The Sky Above Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
- One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure
- Dream Big
Grades 3–4
- Exhibits
- Freeze
- Tasteful Tidbits
- It’s Alimentary, Watson
- NEW! Sounds Like Science
- NEW! Brain Power
- Cosmic Collisions
- NEW! Expedition: Solar System
- NEW! Mars Madness
- Beginner’s Guide to the Universe
- Stars Over Pittsburgh
- Astronaut
- The Haunting Halloween Sky
- Dream Big
- Extreme Weather
- Hubble
Grades 5–6
- Exhibits
- Freeze
- Tasteful Tidbits
- It’s Alimentary, Watson
- NEW! Sounds Like Science
- NEW! Brain Power
- Say Cheese!
- Illumination Sensation
- Cosmic Collisions
- NEW! Mars Madness
- Beginner’s Guide to the Universe
- Stars Over Pittsburgh
- Astronaut
- The Haunting Halloween Sky
- Dream Big
- Extreme Weather
- Hubble
- ChemFest
- StormFest
- Engineer the Future
- SciTech
Grades 7 & Up
- Exhibits
- Say Cheese!
- It’s Alimentary, Watson
- NEW! Brain Power
- Scanning, Scopes, and Surgery
- NEW! Science Goes Viral
- High Voltage
- Illumination Sensation
- Physics Smash Lab
- Cosmic Collisions
- NEW! Mars Madness
- Beginner’s Guide to the Universe
- Stars Over Pittsburgh
- Astronaut
- The Haunting Halloween Sky
- Dream Big
- Extreme Weather
- Hubble
- ChemFest
- StormFest
- Engineer the Future
- SciTech
Library Shows:
The following programs are not generally offered, but may be booked depending on presenter availability:
- Fruit Flambé
- Illumination Sensation
- Science in a Scoop