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Two little girls on spinning platform

Presented by:

Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield

Two boys interacting with an exhibit

Three boys and a girl balancing on the ropes in SportsWorks
Ropes Challenge

A teen runs the Olympic Sprint sponsored by DollarBank in the Highmark SportsWorks.
Local Connections

Two girls playing with an oversized game of Operation

Children running through exhibit in the Highmark SportsWorks.
Sports Challenge

Boys playing with oversized hockey table
Educator Resources

Physics of Sports

These full-body, ‘life-size’ sports interactive exhibits teach the basic science and technology of sports-balance, trajectory, center of gravity, momentum, transfer of energy, and more. Read about these exciting exhibits, then come and try them out for yourself!


Become a human yo-yo on this 25-foot-high arch with a three-foot flywheel mounted at the top. Whisk yourself high in the air and soar with the help of kinetic energy. Wouldn’t you like to become a yo-yo?

*Note: Socks are required to enjoy the You-Yo

Go for a Spin!

Experience rotational physics first-hand as you vary your body position to control your speed on a spinning platform and relate it to ice skating or gymnastic skills.

Big Hockey

Test your reaction time and motor skills as you play on the world’s largest ‘bubble hockey’ table.

Sponsored by Highmark.

Highmark: An Independent License of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association logo

Presented by:

Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield

Two boys interacting with an exhibit

Three boys and a girl balancing on the ropes in SportsWorks
Ropes Challenge

A teen runs the Olympic Sprint sponsored by DollarBank in the Highmark SportsWorks.
Local Connections

Two girls playing with an oversized game of Operation

Children running through exhibit in the Highmark SportsWorks.
Sports Challenge

Boys playing with oversized hockey table
Educator Resources